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I am a Marie Curie Fellow at LMU Munich. My research focuses on the growth of regulation, particularly examining their interplay with legislation. Additionally, my work has been awarded with the Rudolf Wildenmann Prize for an outstanding paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, and the Giandomenico Majone Prize for an exceptional paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance.
Unveiling European Union Regulatory Design (EUREG)
My Marie Curie project, "EUREG - Unveiling EU Regulatory Design: A Content-Oriented Analysis of Regulation in the European Union", explores the variation in regulatory designs across EU policy areas. It examines the impact of factors such as euroscepticism, institutional dynamics, and sectoral characteristics on design choices and investigates how these designs influence the transposition dynamics of EU regulations.
Kosti, N. (2023). Styles of Regulatory Discretion: A Comparison of the British and Israeli Education Legislation, Public Administration. Advance online publication.
Kosti, N. (2023). Conceptualization and Measuring Regulatory Discretion: Text Analysis of 120 Years of British Legislation, Regulation & Governance. Advance online publication.