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Kosti, N. & Levi-Faur, D (2019). The Co-Production of Primary and Secondary Legislation: Israel as a Case Study, Law & Policy, 41(4), 432–457.
Kosti, N., Levi-Faur, D., & Mor, G. (2019). Legislation and Regulation: Three Analytical Distinctions. The Theory and Practice of Legislation, 7(3), 169–178.
Kosti, N. & Levi-Faur, D. (2019). Excessive Regulation in Israel? Analysis of Primary and Secondary Legislation in Israel, 1948-2017, Studies on Regulation, 2, 25–60
Kosti, N., Shpaizman, I. & Levi-Faur, D. (2019). The Israeli Agendas Project. In Baumgartner, F., Breunig, C. & E. Grossman (eds.). Comparative Policy Agendas: Theory, Tools, Data, Cambridge (pp. 114–119), Oxford: Oxford University Press
Kosti, N. & Levi-Faur, D. (2018). The Right to Participate in Collective Decision Making: Barriers and Beyond. In Seubert, S., Hoogenboom, M., Knijn, T., de Vries, S. & F. van Waarden (eds.). Moving Beyond Barriers: Prospects for EU Citizenship? (pp. 199–219). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar